MEHAT Call for Papers — 2023-24
The Middle East History and Theory Workshop (MEHAT) is now accepting submissions for Fall quarter 2023 and beyond. We invite submissions from graduate students, postdocs, and faculty to present their research (in progress or completed) on the Islamicate world, or to lead directed readings of recently published academic literature offering new approaches to the study of the Islamicate world.
We are eager to hear from historians, linguists, anthropologists, literary scholars, sociologists, musicologists, scholars of religion, and political scientists whose work engages with a broad geography, including but not limited to, the Mediterranean, North and West Africa, and South and Central Asia, from Late Antiquity and the advent of Islam to the present. Within this context, MEHAT is also particularly eager to promote wide-ranging discussions on general points of historical inquiry, theory, and method. NELC faculty members Hakan Karateke and Ghenwa Hayek advise the workshop.
MEHAT typically meets weekly on Thursdays during the term. More details on meeting time and location, as well as a provisional schedule, will be released at the start of the Fall quarter.
We encourage proposals from both regular attendees and from those new to the workshop. If you would like to present your work or a guided reading for discussion and feedback this fall, please submit a brief proposal and provisional title to Theo (knightst[at]uchicago[dot]edu) by September 23rd.
Best wishes,
Theo Knights & Darragh Winkelman